AHS Product Catalogue
AHS PRODUCT CATALOGUE / HARD LANDSCAPING / DECORATIVE AGGREGATES Scottish Pebbles PRODUCT DETAILS AHS Scottish Pebbles are a premium rounded pebble in a mix of grey, brown, pink and red colour tones. Arguably the best and most naturally colourful stones, available in a variety of sizes, Scottish Pebbles are a very popular choice in the landscaping industry. AHS Scottish Pebbles are naturally sourced and can vary from the images shown, but these wonderful, naturally rounded granite pebbles now come in a various sizes: 8-16mmm, 14-20mm and 20-30mm. USE FOR Borders Some commercial gardens Pond verges Private gardens Large areas of ground cover Silver Grey Granite PRODUCT DETAILS AHS is pleased to supply Silver Grey Granite, another in-demand decorative chipping. This is a hard-wearing attractive blue/silver grey angular granite. As AHS Silver Grey Granite chipping is naturally sourced, it can vary from the images shown. It comes in a number of sizes: 1-3mm, 2-5mm, 6mm, 10mm and 14mm. USE FOR Paving grids Paths Driveways Large areas of ground cover Decorative border mulch 20 LOOSE LOADS 1000KG BULK BAGS 20KG BAGS 1000 AVAILABLE IN 20 LOOSE LOADS 1000KG BULK BAGS 20KG BAGS 1000 AVAILABLE IN 80
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